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(Some) Journal Articles, Law Reviews, & Conference Proceedings


Voting for Consent.  Boston University Law Review 104, no. 4 (2024, with Paul Ohm).


Constructing AI Speech. Yale Law Journal Forum (2024, with Margot Kaminski).


An Americans Guide to GDPR, 98(1) Denver Law Review 93-128 (2020, with Margot Kaminski).


Practicing Privacy on Other Networks: Identification Protocols, Standards, and Strategies Before Cookies, 4(2) Internet Histories, Special Issue on European Markets 142-160 (2020, with Kevin Ackermann).


Comparing Consent to Cookies: A Case for Protecting Non-Use, 53 Cornell International Law Journal 97-132 (2020, with Jenny Lee).


Cookies: A Legacy of Controversy, 4(1) Internet Histories, Special Issue on Legacy Systems 87-104 (2020).


The Development of Consent to Computing, 41(4) IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Special Issue on Governance 34-47 (2019).


Analyzing the Legal Roots and Moral Core of Digital Consent, New Media & Society 21(8), 1804–1823 (2019, with Elizabeth Edenberg).


Comparative Ethics of Computing Without Consent, 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Technology in Society (ISTAS) Proceedings.


Does Technology Drive Law? The Dilemma of Technological Exceptionalism in Cyberlaw, 2 Journal of Law, Technology & Policy 249-284 (Fall 2018).


Do Americans Want a Right to be Forgotten? Estimating Public Support for Digital Erasure Legislation, 10: 3 The Internet & Politics 244-263 (with Leticia Bode, 2018).


AI and the Ethics of Automating Consent, 16: 3 IEEE Security & Privacy (with Elizabeth Edenberg and Ellen Kaufman, 64-72 (2018).


Silencing Bad Bots: Global Legal and Ethical Questions for Mean Machine Communication, 23 Communication Law & Policy 159 (2018).


A Right to a Human in the Loop: Political Constructions of Computer Automation & Personhood, 47 Social Studies of Science 216 (2017).


A Sporting Chance: Robot Referees and the Automation of Enforcement, We Robot 2017 (with Karen Levy).


Ready to Forget: American Attitudes toward the Right to be Forgotten, 33 The Information Society 76-85 (with Leticia Bode, 2017).


Your New Best Frenemy: Hello Barbie and Privacy Without Screens, 2 Engaging Science, Technology, & Society 242 (2016).


Can (and Should) Hello Barbie Keep a Secret?, IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology (with Kevin Meurer, 2016).


Forgetting Made (Too) Easy, 58 Communications of the ACM 34 (June 2015).


Privacy Without Screens & the Internet of Other People's Things, 51 Idaho Law Review 639 (2015).


The Ironies of Automation Law: Tying Policy Knots with Fair Automation Practices Principles, 18:1 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law 77 (2015).


Users or Students? Privacy in University MOOCs, 22(5) Science and Engineering Ethics 1473-1496 (with Lucas Regner, 2015).


Lessons from the Avalanche of Numbers: Big Data in Historical Context, 11:2 I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 201 (2015).


When Robots Lie: A Comparison of Auto-Defamation Law, in Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO 2014) (with Ben Ambrose).


Speaking of Forgetting: Analysis of Possible Non-EU Responses to the Right to be Forgotten and Speech Exception, 38 Telecommunications Policy 800 (2014).


The Law & the Loop, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology in conjunction with Technology and Society (2014).


It’s About Time: Privacy, Information Lifecycles, and the Right to be Forgotten, 16 Stanford Technology Law Review 369 (2013) (abbreviated version published as A Digital Dark Age and the Right to be Forgotten, 17:3 Journal of Internet Law 1 (2013).


The Right to be Forgotten Across the Pond, Journal of Information Policy, Vol. 3 (2012), 1-23 (with Jef Ausloos).


Seeking Digital Redemption: The Future of Forgiveness in the Internet Age, 29 Santa Clara Journal of Computers and High Technology Law 99 (2012) (with Nicole Friess & Jill Van Matre).


You Are What Google Says You Are: The Right to be Forgotten and Information Stewardship, 17 International Review of Information Ethics (July 2012).

Book Chapters & Other Publications


“Are We Tumbling Toward an Adults Only Internet?” ProMarket, April 12, 2024 (with ​Mac Milin Kiran, and Cal Newport). 


"Cyberlaw, But Make it Feminist.” In Feminist Cyberlaw. University of California Press, forthcoming 2024.


“Consent Code and Default Drama.” In Just Code: Power, Inequality, and the Global Political Economy of IT. Johns Hopkins University Press, forthcoming 2023.


“A Sporting Chance: Robot Referees and the Automation of Enforcement.” In Robot Law II. Elgar, forthcoming 2023 (with Karen Levy).


Jones, Meg Leta. “Surveillance Capitalism Online: Cookies, Notice & Choice, and Web Privacy.” In Surveillance Capitalism in America: From Slavery to Social Media. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021.


Troubleshooting AI and Consent. In The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI (2020, with Elizabeth Edenberg).


“My Terms of Service Button.” Privacy Design Forecast 2019, Harvard Kennedy School, Shorenstein Center. (with Sydney Luken and Jonathan Healey).


Robots and Socio-Ethical Implications (guest co-editor), Special Issue: IEEE Technology and Society Magazine (with Katina Michael, Diana Bowman, & Ramona Pringle, 2018). 


The Internet of Other People’s Things, in Privacy in Public Spaces (2017).


Hacking Metaphors in the Anticipatory Governance of Emerging Technology: The Case of Regulating Robots, in The Oxford Handbook of Law and Technology (with Jason Millar, 2017).


Two Years After the Right to be Forgotten: The Internet Still Works but is it Still Global?, New Scientist (May 2016).


From the Avalanche of Numbers to Big Data: A Comparative Historical Perspective on Data Protection in Transition, in the Digital Enlightenment Foundation Yearbook (2014).


Timing the Right to be Forgotten, in Reloading Data Protection: The Global Perspective (with Paulan Korenhof, Jef Ausloos, Ivan Szekely, Gionanni Sartor, & Ronald Leenes, 2014).


Must be 13 to Play: Addressing Children Participating in Networked Games (Foundations of Digital Games 2014 poster, with Kara A. Behnke and John K. Bennett).

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